The Profit behind Hiring a Real Estate Agent

It???s OK to ask! We hear the question all time time!

Why is it more profitable to use a real estate agent for my transaction? Wouldn???t I save money doing it myself?

So, we broke it down, Where does the profit come from when using an agent?

Resources and Due Diligence
It???s true, knowledge is power, and power is profit. As professional agents, who manage real estate transactions every day all day, we have a TON of resources available to us. We can research the information YOU NEED to protect you, to profit you, and to keep you sane!

Did you know we have ???magic keys??? and ???magic passwords.??? They get us into the properties you want to see and the databases with the listings you need to know about. Above and beyond that, our license alone can get us access to hundreds of tools that will assure you get more access than you as a consumer could ever purchase!

Legal Protection
With any real estate transactions comes contracts and LOTS of paperwork! When you hire a real estate agent, you are assured the contracts we use have been reviewed by legal counsel, and we are trained to understand it AND explain it. Plus we are accountable and responsible to do just that!

The Bottom Line
Simply put: Statistics prove that you will make more money on a sale using a realtor, and you will save more money using a realtor to buy. Don???t believe us: Check it out!